Andrea Pizzuti has been pursuing his PhD at the University of Bath in partnership with the UK manufacturer of meteorological sensors Biral Ltd.
On the 18th of January 2022 Andrea successfully received his PhD based upon his thesis entitled “Electrostatic Detection of Lightning and Transient Luminous Events”
His work within the H2020 SAINT (Science and INnovation with Thunderstorms) project aimed at further improving the lightning waveform recognition ability of the Biral BTD-300 thunderstorm detector. Andrea Pizzuti developed a novel machine-learning based classification algorithm to do this and explored new applications of this technology in atmospheric electricity research. For example, to monitor global lightning activity and Schumann Resonances in the atmosphere.
He also contributed to research in the occurrence of transient luminous events (TLE) and the most powerful lightning, commonly referred to as super bolts, in the areas surrounding the British Isles.

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